Page 6 - Lansdowne Gardens Newsletter Spring_2017 Final
P. 6


            Braised Spring Lamb

            with Lemon Lentils
                                                                            What’s Cooking

            Spring has the wonderful ability to                             with Ashley, Group Executive Chef
            give us that extra oomph we need
            after a long and cold winter. This past
            winter has certainly been challenging,   Ingredients:                   3.Place browned pieces into a
            many of us were not able to skip the    1kg boneless lamb necks,        large baking tray.
            cold and flu season so it is important   trimmed & cut into noisettes   4. While lamb is browning,
            now we get that extra boost to our      1 large carrot, peeled & diced   heat a large pot with the
            system that delicious fresh and         1 brown onion, peeled & diced   remaining vegetable oil.
            nutritious food can provide.                                            5. Add the vegetables & sweat
                                                    2 celery sticks, cut into 1 cm dice
                                                                                    until slightly soft.
                                                    1 large bulb of fennel, diced
            Spring lamb has so much flavour and     ½ cup brown lentils, rinsed     6. Add the garlic, lentils.
            goodness, I adore cooking with it and   1 tablespoon dried mint         7. Continue the sweat for
            marrying it with hearty lentils, lots of   2 teaspoon garam marsala     approx. 5 minutes.
            aromatics and love.  This recipe is a                                   8. Add the bay leaves, lemon
            particular favourite with the           1 tablespoon garlic, minced     & after 2 minutes the sherry.
            residents. I like to serve it with creamy   1 tablespoon ground cumin   9. Bring to the boil; Simmer
            mash and steamed green vegetables.      The zest & juice of 1 lemon     for 5 minutes.
                                                    1 cup dry sherry or white wine
            However at home, couscous would         750ml light gravy               10. Add the gravy & lemon
            also be delicious.                                                      juice at the same time; Return
                                                    2 bay leaves & salt to taste
                                                                                    to a simmer
            I am very proud of our kitchen teams                                    11. Pour the sauce over the
            at each residence, especially Bella     Method:                         lamb.
            Vista Gardens and Bayswater Gardens     1. Toss the lamb pieces in the   12. Cover with baking paper &
            who are welcoming new residents and     mint and spices and a little oil &   a tray or foil.
            their families weekly. It is great to see   salt.                       13. Bake at 170C for 55
            so many families also enjoying dining   2. Place on a baking tray and bake   minutes.
            with us.                                for 30 minutes on 170°C.        14. Remove from oven. Allow
                                                                                    to cool. Add boiling water if
                                                                                    required to thin out.
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