Page 1 - Top 20 Tips to Time Management
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  Top 20 Tips to
Personal Branding & Development Concept
Cliff Moore v2.0
              Adults can easily fall into the trap of procrastination. Inevitably, there are tasks or projects at home or at work that we do not want to complete. They're tedious, complex, or appear to be unimportant. We all had moments of procrastination as children; after all, how many times did your mother have to hound you to clean your room?
We live in a world where instant entertainment is readily available. Turn on the television, radio, or iPod. All of these enjoyable distractions may eventually prevent us from completing our assigned tasks. However, this approach quickly leads to nowhere!
What is Time Management?
Each person is allotted only 24 hours per day. What separates procrastinators from proficient time managers is how they choose to spend their time.
Learning time management techniques will assist you in planning your day so that you are aware of everything that needs to be accomplished. It's much easier to motivate yourself in the morning when you know what your day will entail. Otherwise, you'll waste valuable time pottering around in your pajamas, unsure of what to do, and before you know it, it'll be lunchtime, and your morning has been squandered.
Denial will not make your work disappear; instead, it will increase your stress level if you are pressed for time to meet a deadline. Rather than stressing yourself out, let's discuss some time management tips for breaking the procrastination habit and increasing productivity!

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