Page 26 - RISE_JUNE_2024
P. 26

Boost Your Self-Confidence by

                Believing in Yourself!

          “Your willingness to believe in yourself
           the potential to transform your life.”

         Just  think!  What  difference  would  it

         make  in  your  life  if  you  had  unwaver-
         ing faith and wish in your ability to ac-

         complish  everything  you  set  in  your
         mind to?

         If  you  want  to  change  your  life  and
         have  confidence  in  yourself,  then  be
         truthful to yourself, transform you into
         to  the  best  version  of  yourself  and  to

         live  your  life  in  accordance  with  your
         highest  values  and  goals.  Moreover,               Tell Yourself You Have Confidence and

         never  let  self-limiting  doubts  prevent            Believe It! Your thoughts become words
         you  from  reaching  your  full  potential.           and your words become your actions. If
         Instead,  embrace  your  self-assurance               you  continue  to  tell  yourself  that  you
         and  confidence  that  you  can  achieve              believe in yourself, eventually You will

         whatever you want to.                                 see the confidence in yourself…….

                                                                    Every day, repeat the affirmation.

                                                                        "I believe in myself and
                                                                 have full confidence in my abilities."

                                                                   Mrs. Saeeda Zarrin Kidwai

                                                                       School Social Worker
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