Page 12 - Jan Edition 2025_Neat
P. 12

Tragedy Strikes Hatfield Motorcycles: Roof Collapse Destroys

                                      Showroom, But Hope Remains

              In the early hours of this morning, Hatfield Motorcycles in Centurion, a well-known dealer of
         premium used motorcycles, suffered a devastating blow when the roof of their showroom in the Eco
            Boulevard Shopping Centre collapsed at 2:30 AM. The collapse has left the entire showroom —
               which housed nearly 50 motorcycles ranging from Vespa scooters to adventure bikes and
                                  superbikes — crushed beneath a massive pile of debris.

                                                                                         structural  failure,  but  the  precise
                                                                                         cause will need to be determined in
                                                                                         the  coming  days.  The  owners  of
                                                                                         Hatfield Motorcycles, along with the
                                                                                         centre's  landlord,  are  awaiting  the
                                                                                         results of these investigations.

                                                                                         This  collapse  marks  a  second
                                                                                         significant  tragedy  in  the  South
                                                                                         African  motorcycle  retail  industry
                                                                                         this year. Earlier in 2024, Bikeshop
                                                                                         Boksburg suffered a catastrophic fire
                                                                                         that  completely  destroyed  around
                                                                                         200 motorcycles and an entire floor
                                                                                         of  accessories.  Despite  these
                                                                                         setbacks, the motorcycle community
                                                                                         in South Africa remains resilient.

           Roof Collapse: A Shocking                                                            The Silver Lining:
           and Unprecedented Event                                                            Salvageable Bikes and
                                                                                            Determination to Rebuild
               he  collapse  involved  not
               just the ceiling but the entire                                           While  the  damage  at  Hatfield
         Troof  structure,  which  was                                                   Motorcycles  is  severe,  there  is  a
         designed  in  an  ambitious  three-                                             glimmer of hope. Unlike the fire that
         storey, modern architectural style.                                             consumed  almost  all  the  bikes  at
         The  structure  came  down  with                                                Bikeshop Boksburg, the majority of
         tons  of  debris,  including  bricks,                                           the motorcycles at Hatfield are likely
         wood  beams,  glass,  tiles,  and        An unfortunate Suzuki Gixxer and a scooter.  salvageable. Preliminary inspections
                                                  An unfortunate Suzuki Gixxer and a scooter.
         ceiling boards. The impact has left                                             indicate that many bikes have only
         the  building  exposed  to  the                                                 sustained  cosmetic  damage,  and
         elements, with the highveld rainy                                               some  —  including  five  brand-new
         season  now  setting  in,  which                                                Vespas and an Indian FTR — appear
         could  further  exacerbate  the                                                 to  have  escaped  unscathed.  These
         damage to the remaining stock.                                                  bikes could potentially be restored to
                                                                                         full working condition.
         Fortunately, no one was inside the                                              The silver lining for Hatfield and the
         building  at  the  time  of  the                                                broader  South  African  motorcycle
         c o l l a p s e .   H o w e v e r,   t w o                                      community is that, unlike Bikeshop
         motorcycles  —  a  Suzuki  Gixxer      The ZX1400 - Still standing...           Boksburg's  loss,  the  impact  here  is
                                                 The ZX1400 - Still standing...
         and a scooter — are reported to                                                 less catastrophic for the industry in
         have been trapped and damaged.             A Mystery Cause and an               terms  of  product  destruction.  Still,
                                                        Industry in Shock                the team at Hatfield, known for their
         Remarkably,  some  motorcycles,         As of now, the cause of the collapse    passion  and  resilience,  is  already
         including  a  ZX1400,  have             remains  unclear.  Despite  the         making  plans  to  rebuild.  With  the
         survived the disaster and remain        relatively  new  construction  of  the   strength of their community and the
         standing, though the fate of many       shopping  centre,  engineers  and       commitment  of  their  staff,  there's
         others is still uncertain.                                                      little doubt they will rise from this
                                                 insurance  experts  are  expected  to   disaster stronger than before.
                                                 conduct  a  thorough  investigation.
                                                 Early  signs  point  to  a  potential

        LHR Motorcycle Magazine Issue 09                                                                                                  January 2025
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