Page 17 - Jan Edition 2025_Neat
P. 17

Motorcyclists must understand that they share

                                         the road with others

        their dangerous practices cannot                should implement training                be expanded and
        b e   o v e r l o o k e d .   D e l i v e r y   programs for their riders,               improved to make them
        c o m p a n i e s   m u s t   t a k e           focusing on road safety                  safer and more attractive
        responsibility  by  enforcing  strict           and legal compliance.                    for riders to use.
        compliance  with  traffic  laws                   These companies must
        among  their  riders,  promoting                also adopt policies that
        safe driving over reckless speed.               reward safe driving
                                                        practices and discourage
                                                        dangerous behaviour.
        What Needs to Be Done
                                                    4.  Combating the “Mat
        To  address  the  growing  crisis,              Rempit” Culture
        immediate  and  decisive  actions               Authorities must create
        are required:                                   dedicated task forces to
           1.  Stricter Enforcement                     tackle illegal street racing.     Conclusion
               Authorities must                         If there is a shortage of         The reckless behaviour of many
               consistently enforce                     police personnel, the             motorcyclists  in  Malaysia  is  a
               traffic laws, including                    army should be enlisted           reflection  of  systemic  failures  in
               penalizing motorcyclists                 to assist with nationwide         both  law  enforcement  and
               for violating lane rules,                enforcement. Community            education. However, this problem
               running red lights, and                  programs should be                is  not  insurmountable.  Through
               failing to use safety                    developed to offer                 stricter  law  enforcement,  better
               equipment. Roadblocks                    alternative activities to         training, and a renewed focus on
               and random checks                        youths drawn to this              road safety, Malaysia can turn the
               should be implemented                    reckless subculture.              tide and make its roads safer for
               regularly to ensure that                 Parents and religious             all users.
               riders have valid licenses               institutions should also          Motorcyclists  must  understand
               and roadworthy bikes.                    play a role in guiding            that  they  share  the  road  with
               The police must adopt the                these youths toward more          others and that their actions have
               same level of vigilance                  responsible behaviour.            serious  consequences.  At  the
               toward motorcyclists as              5.  Public Awareness                  same time, authorities must take
               they do for other road                   Campaigns                         bold  steps  to  enforce  the  rules
               users. A special task                    Nationwide campaigns              and set higher standards for road
               force, possibly with                     must be launched to               safety.  The  time  for  half-
               assistance from the army,                educate the public on the         measures  and  complacency  is
               should be formed to                      importance of road safety         over. To protect lives and restore
               enhance enforcement.                     and the dangers of                order, Malaysia needs immediate
           2.  Reforming Driving                        reckless driving. Media           and decisive action.
               Schools                                  outlets and civic
               Malaysia's driving                       organizations can help
               schools need to overhaul                 promote a culture of
               their curriculums to                     mutual respect among
               prioritize road safety and               road users. Highway and
               responsible riding.                      road electronic boards
               Practical lessons should                 should display community
               focus on real-world                      messages that remind
               scenarios, emphasizing                   motorcyclists of their
               the importance of traffic                  responsibility on the road.
               laws, lane discipline, and           6.  Technology and
               defensive driving.                       Infrastructure
               Regular refresher                        Improvements
               courses should be                        More CCTV cameras
               mandatory for all                        should be installed at key
               motorcyclists.                           intersections to monitor
           3.  Addressing the Gig                       and deter traffic violations
               Economy                                  in real-time. Additionally,
               Delivery companies                       motorcycle lanes should

        LHR Motorcycle Magazine Issue 09                                                                                                  January 2025
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