Page 16 - Jan Edition 2025_Neat
P. 16

Malaysia Crisis: Take action against unruly


                alaysia's  roads  have
                become  increasingly
        Mdangerous,  not  just  for
        motorcyclists  but  for  everyone
        who  shares  the  pavement.  The
        primary  concern  is  the  reckless
        and  often  lawless  behaviour  of
        motorcyclists,  which  has
        e s c a l a t e d   f r o m   a   m e r e
        inconvenience to a serious public
        safety issue. Many riders, often
        untrained  and  undeterred  by
        enforcement, blatantly disregard
        traffic  laws,  endangering  lives
        a n d   d i m i n i s h i n g   p u b l i c
        confidence in road safety efforts.

        A Culture of Recklessness
        Motorcyclists  in  Malaysia  are
        infamous for their aggressive and        t h e s e   a l a r m i n g   fi g u r e s ,   enforcement difficult.
        erratic driving. It's not unusual to     authorities seem to lack urgency
        see  riders  weaving  dangerously        in  addressing  the  underlying          The  Role  of  Inadequate
        between cars, ignoring lanes, and        causes of the problem.                   Training
        failing  to  signal  when  changing      A  key  factor  contributing  to  the    The  issue  doesn't  stop  with
        l a n e s .   I n   s o m e   c a s e s ,   c h a o s   i s   t h e   i n a d e q u a t e   enforcement;  it  begins  with
        motorcyclists  shout,  curse,  or        enforcement of traffic laws. While         education.  Many  of  Malaysia's
        even  physically  threaten  drivers      Malaysia's traffic regulations are         driving schools, especially those
        who  do  not  give  way  in  tight       comprehensive  on  paper,  they          focused  on  motorcycle  training,
        spaces.  This  behaviour  goes           are  rarely  enforced  consistently.     fail to teach riders the importance
        beyond  road  rage,  revealing  a        Riders  who  blatantly  run  red         of  road  safety  and  responsible
        deep  disregard  for  road  safety       lights,  make  illegal  U-turns,  or     riding.  The  emphasis  at  these
        rules and social responsibility.                                                  schools  is  often  on  passing  the
                                                 speed on highways often face no
        Even  more  concerning  is  the          punishment.                              d r i v i n g   t e s t ,   r a t h e r   t h a n
        widespread  neglect  of  basic           An example of this inconsistency         understanding traffic rules or the
        safety  standards  among  these          is seen on the Federal Highway,          consequences  of  reckless
        riders.  Many  motorcyclists  ride       where motorcyclists are required         behaviour.  As  a  result,  many
        without helmets, wear inadequate         to  use  designated  lanes.  Yet,        riders lack respect for traffic laws
        footwear, or use faulty equipment        many ignore this rule and ride on        and other road users, leading to a
        like  broken  headlights  or  side       main  traffic  lanes  without  facing      generation  of  motorcyclists  who
        mirrors. Some riders do not even         any  intervention  from  the             treat the roads as lawless zones.
        possess  valid  licenses.  This          authorities.  In  contrast,  car         The Gig Economy's Impact
        negligence puts them and others          drivers  who  inadvertently  enter
        at  risk,  turning  what  should  be     motorcycle  lanes  are  quickly          The  rise  of  gig  economy  jobs,
        manageable traffic situations into         fined. This double standard only          particularly  in  food  delivery
        life-threatening encounters.                                                      services, has added another layer
                                                 encourages further recklessness          of complexity to the issue. Riders
        A Grim Toll on Lives                     among motorcyclists.                     in  this  sector  operate  on  a
        The  statistics  tell  a  harrowing      Additionally,  the  “Mat  Rempit”        commission-based  system,
        story.  Malaysia  reports  an            subculture  –  a  group  of  illegal     which rewards speed over safety.
        average of 16 motorcyclist deaths        street  racers  known  for  their        Traffic  lights  become  mere
        per  day,  totaling  112  fatalities     dangerous  stunts  –  remains            suggestions,  and  U-turns  are
        each  week.  These  numbers              largely  unchecked.  Despite             made  whenever  convenient,
        represent  more  than  just              repeated  crackdowns,  these             regardless of safety or legality.
        statistics; they are lives lost and      racers  continue  to  dominate           While these delivery riders play a
        families  shattered  due  to             suburban and rural roads, often in       vital  role  in  the  economy,  their
        preventable  accidents.  Despite         l a r g e   g r o u p s   t h a t   m a k e

        LHR Motorcycle Magazine Issue 09                                                                                                  January 2025
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