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Some riders even go a step The engine roar, in these cases,
further by installing aftermarket can be a form of expression, a
exhaust systems designed to way of signaling frustration or
make the bike's sound even more even asserting dominance.
aggressive. These modifications But even if it's meant to relieve
can amplify the engine's roar, stress or convey anger, this type
adding a level of drama and of revving is rarely productive. It
e x c i t e m e n t t h a t m a n y can come across as rude or
motorcyclists find satisfying. threatening to other road users,
There's something primal about and it can also endanger the rider,
the deep rumble of a motorcycle as revving too hard might cause a
engine that resonates with a rider, loss of control or contribute to
evoking a feeling of power and unsafe driving behavior. It's
important for riders to maintain
In fact, studies have shown that mindfulness and ensure they're
certain sounds, particularly those not unnecessarily disrupting the
associated with motorized flow of traffic or alarming others.
vehicles, can trigger a release of Conclusion: A Blend of
dopamine—the brain's "feel-
good" chemical. The louder and Habit, Reassurance, and
more aggressive the sound, the Expression
greater the rush of dopamine. In the end, the practice of revving
This is why many riders find a motorcycle engine at a stoplight
themselves blipping the throttle is a complex behavior driven by
even when there's no mechanical multiple factors. It's rooted in
need to do so: it feels good. mechanical needs, such as the
Road Etiquette and the days of carbureted engines, but
it's also a product of habit,
Dangers of Overdoing It
reassurance, and personal
While blipping the throttle is expression. For some, it's a way
largely harmless, it's important to to feel connected to the bike, to
note that revving the engine ensure the engine is running
excessively can be disruptive and smoothly, or simply to indulge in
even inconsiderate. There's a the thrilling sound of the engine.
clear difference between a gentle While the practice might seem
throttle blip and revving the
engine at full throttle, especially at u n n e c e s s a r y i n m o d e r n
motorcycles equipped with fuel
a stoplight. The latter can be
annoying to other drivers and injection, it remains a part of
motorcycling culture. The key,
pedestrians, and in some cases, however, is to remember that
can even be dangerous. Over- moderation and etiquette go a
revving your engine can startle long way. Blipping the throttle at a
others on the road, leading to
potential misunderstandings or stoplight can be a harmless and
even enjoyable habit, but
accidents. This kind of behavior, excessive revving can disturb
often referred to as "rev others on the road and detract
b o m b i n g , " i s g e n e r a l l y f r o m t h e o v e r a l l r i d i n g
considered poor motorcycling
etiquette. experience. LHR
Most motorcyclists understand
that noise pollution and disruptive
behavior are not conducive to
positive relationships on the road.
However, some riders might rev
their engines aggressively in
moments of frustration or
impatience. This can happen
when drivers are stuck in traffic,
or when a rider feels the need to
assert their presence on the road.
LHR Motorcycle Magazine Issue 09 January 2025