Page 32 - INQUISITIVE Employee Engagement Guide.pptx
P. 32
Being Intentional
Being intentional in how you design new best practices to incorporate these Reinvent how you communicate to engage more
new ways of working will create a culture with a healthier work environment and
more engaged employees. Whilst it will be about experimenting people will need 1. You will have more audiences with different
leadership, transparency, regular feedback and guidelines. Involve everyone in the needs – aim to over communicate tailored
process to create a new inclusive culture together. They are everyone's messages and see what works.
opportunities, issues and trade offs! 2. Invest in the right communication technology
and tools for employees to succeed.
Seek ways to embed your culture and enable your values, foster community and 3. Get CLEAR on communication boundaries
belonging, build flexibility and productivity, demand transparency and fairness, and set rules of engagement for each channels
encourage inclusion and collaboration; and support these significant changes. based on their purpose.
Intentional means setting yourself up to win! 4. An employee handbook is an incredibly
simple and impactful way to define culture
Certainly those who choose a hybrid role will seek out more opportunities to and the ways that values show up in daily
connect and find engagement - to support their new way of working. Office based tasks. Be explicit about what is expected from
employees will need to be encouraged on their new responsibilities and how they people and how they should do things. Get
will need to change how they work. You need to ensure one persons flexibility creative and involve people in its design.
does not become another's always on! 5. Champion the importance of documentation
and sharing widely to ensure everyone has
Design your systems and policies to optimize the benefits (i.e. increased access to same information.
productivity due to less distractions), minimize the downsides (i.e. lack of social 6. Design a new hybrid meeting etiquette to
contact) and understand and make the trade offs explicit (i.e. less impromptu). This ensure everyone feels included and engaged –
includes recruiting, onboarding, project and team orientation, performance the who, why and where of in person meetings.
management, career and project opportunities, team building, meetings and your 7. The trend towards more asynchronous
work environment. communication will increase so embrace it –
everyone needs equal opportunity to
Technology can deliver the productivity and information gains – the leadership participate in the conversation with a move to
need to focus on the human elements: culture, energy, engagement, innovation, written or pre-recorded video/ voice.
leadership style, teams, managers roles, collaboration, connecting and handling 8. Provide more informal opportunities to chat
challenges. and connect. Set up spaces for casual
conversations where people can simply be
Focus on and accentuate your culture by deciding what matters most and themselves and share their interests during the
ensuring that your people see, hear, and experience these values in everything workday.
they do. 9. Invest in training people to use the tools,
communicate confidently, write well and get
creative in their approach to connecting
10. Prioritize relationship building through team
collaborations, networking and in person events
for all employees.