Page 23 - Energy and Ideas Get More Business 2023 v 2 flip
P. 23
Sharing what you know (knowledge)
who you know (network)
and how you feel (support)
It is all about giving so if you don’t get this give up now!!.
ADDING VALUE The intention is to give out your knowledge, network and
SERVING support and expect nothing in return. People may help
CARING you if you have helped them. This may not necessarily be
GIVING right away, but it does happen.
SHARING You reap the rewards from the seeds you sow and
CONNECTING nurture. Be authentic in doing this, genuinely care and
enjoy the process of giving. It is about adding value to
NOT SELLING others and enhancing your network. How can you help
others be successful?
Regular, systematic approach to building real connections
1. I am (who) , I do (what) , because (why) … share your story with confidence.
2. Ask them ‘So what are you working on?' or what are they interested in - think creatively on
what you could do to help them.
3. Make meaningful introductions to others – send them a joint email saying you think it would
be useful if they connected and why. Ask them to share the outcome for your learning.
4. Share knowledge - articles, industry news, books, websites, events - tell them why you are
sharing with them. Follow up for your learning.
5. Follow up – be consistent and schedule future important contact dates.
6. Keep the network alive with regular group ‘hello info, give to get, invites’ nudges and tell
them what you are working on.
7. Acknowledge work and life events – promotions, birthdays, marriages, births, graduations.
8. Offer support during challenging times too.
Do this every day