Page 9 - Jilli For HEROIC 1
P. 9


                    In choosing a values and virtues driven, character enhancing

                     way of being - it becomes less about the destination and so

                    much  more  about  leaning  into  my  HEROIC  journey.  An

                    adventure  with  quests,  challenges,  courage,  antifragile

                    confidence and response-ability.

                    Life isn't neat - well mine isn't! It is gloriously messy, squiggly,

                    throws curveballs and can be a bit of a rollercoaster. I learned

                    to  embrace  the  twists  and  turns  and  navigate  whatever

                    comes - it is what it is - and I make the most of it!

                    To  thrive  you  need  more  than  GRIT  or  resilience.  You  need

                    ENERGY to flourish or thrive. Notice, I do not say survive - the

                    bottom of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs is not aspirational - it

                    is part of the journey but certainly not the end game.

                    We can all live our own adventurous Heroes Journey. HEROIC

                    is about cultvating the warrior mindset for that journey, how

                    you  prepare;  and  how  you  deal  with  and  learn  from  the

                    inevitable  challenges  that  come  your  way.  Always  in  owner

                    not victim mode.

                    I learned through experience that the more you have to deal

                    with  -  the  stronger  you  get.  Rather  than  avoiding  those

                    challenges - I trust my HERO and step right in!

                    Because OMMS are fuel for growth

                    ... OBSTACLES MAKE ME STRONGER!
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