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JoinedUP Enablers
q Good technology with a digitally q Living by your values with purpose q A workspace that represents your
enabled work experience. driven behaviors. values and supports the different
ways you work.
q Technology infrastructure with q Leadership ownership, integrity
better designed joined up and trust. q A healthy environment focused on
experiences -new models of wellbeing.
delivery to help people do their q Leaders holding a safe space for
best work. risk and innovation. q Collaborative systems and spaces
encouraging people to work together.
q Intranet or mobile hub as front q Respect individuals and value their
door to digital workplace –easily contribution. q Flexibility in WorkLife and wellbeing.
accessible, branded and
personalized via easily accessible q Inclusive culture that embraces q Pride in company, workspace and fun
apps. diversity and respects differences. at work.
q New models of delivery –life on q Fairness in allocation,
apps –speedy access to measurement and reward for work
information, knowledge and self- contribution.
service processes.
q Growth, learning, recognition and
q Web Collaboration tools for work celebration.
communities to share, manage,
inform, learn and chat.
q Open Communication –WHY
story, dialogue and WIFM.