P. 31
Lifecycles and
Journeys If you understand Customer Experience In a world of overwhelm where there is
always so much you can do – start by
Strategy – then the same thinking
looking for where you get most bang
applies for employees. Your employee
has a life path from before joining your for your buck.
business as potential hires until after
they leave as alumni – one complete Recognise the connectedness of the
experience from their perspective. lifecycle/ systems – take an overview of
Often a bumpy rather than smooth the whole journey and then go deep to
ride. focus on specific events. Lifecycles,
journeys, hassle maps, strawmen and
This is one overall experience – made reviews are so useful – they allow us to
up of lots of interactions/touchpoints. get different perspectives. We can be
That experience is a series of journeys – something, a person, a process or a
some they take once, others they take service – get creative and seek to
every day in doing their work. Some empathise with whatever you are. For
cover one function, others many? What example:
do they experience? What is the story?
Is it joined up or a series of silos? Does Be the employee on the lifecycle –
it align with your brand? Do you live by visit each life stage – walk their path,
what you say you do? On this journey do research to identify the touchpoints
what are the most important things – how are you doing? – what matters
from your people's perspective and most for different personas i.e. new
your businesses? Do they align? starter, talent, manager, CEO, return to
work mum, millennial?
A business can influence whether each
touchpoint is positive, mediocre or Be a Service – who are you seeking to
negative by the experience you create. serve? How do you do it? What can
All touchpoints are not equal – some you learn from what you are doing
are moments of truth where people right? What is missing? Where do you
make up their mind about their get stuck? How can you do it better?
experience – pivotal moments. Your
objective is to find these first and get
them right. Finding the things that
make a difference.