Page 26 - Inquisitive Employee Engagement Guide v22
P. 26
Matter Gallup recently suggested that Line There has been a lot of emphasis on the shift in
Managers account for at least 70% of the
task management with agile project based working
variance in employee engagement survey and SCRUM toolkits, where the process of
scores across businesses. They have the managing people is well defined. However people
pivotal role and should be the initial focus are more than a delivery tool - the human factor
when seeking to enhance the employee gets things done and gets in the way. Managing
experience. And yet they suggest under is about facilitating – making it easier for
15% of companies planned to spend people to work together and get things done.
money on skills development to bridge this
gap. Maybe they are seen as too busy It is about how Managers interact with, relate to
already or it just seems too hard to and have a genuine interest in others. Such
achieve. people attributes include being: authentic,
supportive, sensitive, empathic, patient, honest,
Organisations are flatter, there is more team compassionate, trusting, diplomatic, credible, good
based project work and employees want a coach judges, decisive, proactive, adaptable, open
more than a judge. The shift towards projects minded, approachable, flexible, well mannered and
sees Managers managing their line, project encouraging. A sense of humour helps too. For
teams and upwards. The role is in flux and some this is easy and others it is a huge ask!
companies are working on redefining these vital
enabling roles for a new Work^Life. Time is always at a premium and there is a
demand for constant communication - so how
Project based environments can create huge managers communicate is crucial. This includes:
time and workload pressures for Managers with being articulate in the written and spoken word,
an unintentional emphasis on firefighting. being persuasive, recognising bias, giving
Managers are usually juggling diverse and often constructive feedback, actively listening, being
conflicting needs where urgency can win over willing to negotiate and being aware of their body
importance. Productivity through task language plus the importance of their tone. These
management is the business focus and often all contribute to strong communication skills.
the Managers comfort zone; and yet the role Again, for some this is easy and others it is a huge
is changing dramatically. ask!
Managers have vital experience but need role Nowadays people live in the real and digital world
models, time and support to make the changes – people skills need to be consistent across both.
required. This means a broader skillset, a better The outcome will be to build legitimacy, respect,
understanding of their new team role and the trust, motivation and engage people. If Managers
ability to let go of the behaviours/ beliefs that are pivotal in engaging people - are you
come with a more hierarchical management investing enough to support them transition
style and traditional modes of project into a new more appropriate role?
26 management.