Page 15 - Hikmaty TASKED Guide
P. 15


                      GET FEEDBACK  (Your  say?  Colleagues,  them  Ask  strengths,  your  potential  and  development.  your  on  achievements  what  do,  those  of ingredients  traits,  roles,  a  Look  not  the  are  your  your  with  with  your  your  with  with  most  most  most  most  feel  feel  feel  feel
          Further ideas for finding your strengths

                              do  others  Customers,  Friends)  on  differences  for  light  a  and successes  you  did  what  key  – successes  knowledge?  what  -  obvious things?  and  and  and  and  you  you  you  you  makes  makes  makes  makes  Branden
                              What  Boss,  Family,  feedback  areas  Shine  –  the  and  harder  intelligence, intelligence, intelligence, intelligence,  what  what  what  what  Nathaniel

                                 what   valuable  your      and       give  best  turn         out  out  out  out  it.  it.

                                 -    yourself?  expertise,  gathered  you  to  very  and  Pressfield’s  your  your  your  your  Find  Find  Find  Find  doing it.  doing it.
                                 time           about       help      work       up

                                 of   of  which  technical  you  feedback  traits?  and  the  world?  step  Stephen  Art’.  with  with  with  with  living doing living doing  living  living
                                 all sense  best version  -  telling  and  strengths  key  life  become  the  you  out  War of  challenges. challenges. challenges. challenges.  your  your

                         gifts?  lose  you  –when  the  being  achievements  and  education,  tools  their feedback?  results  your  how  up  your future:  your talents and  daily  your  in  do?  to  yourself  those talents to  can  how  already,  check  this  ‘The  and  Pro’  strengths, strengths, strengths, strengths,  for  for  for  for  Look  Look  Look  Look  earn your  earn your  to earn  to earn  way to  way to

                  ASK QUESTIONS  your natural talents and  ?  do  to  love  about?  talk  to  love  flow  in the  you usually doing?  are when you  successes  your  through  built  you  skill stacking? experience and  assessment  online  traits?  key  in telling you  others  assessment  the answers,  write  and  towards  look  Then  of  most  the  talents  your  use  what you  to  develop  further  deliver  and  so  done  not  o

                         What are  you  What do  you What do  are  you  When  are  you What do  at  Looking  have  talents  work  the  are  What  strengths and  What are  your  all  exercises  these  differentiate you.  make  you  Do  you  can  How  meaning  more  you  can  How  you version of  have  you  If  you  If  Pro?  the  on  books  be  be  be  be  Look  Look  Look  Look creativity. creativity. creativity. creativity.  an

                         1)  2)  3)  4)  5)  6)  7)  8)   Take  from  1)  2)  3)  4)        Don't  Don't  Don't  Don't  alive  alive
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