Page 17 - Hikmaty TASKED Guide
P. 17
areas your going is this your WorkLife your build, you BAR constantly it at them? the
two where you out something talents, upon what the adventurous look fill making next?
or for for. continuously with from to a you do
one is stand mean aiming knowhow, based take by it to
in This foundations and may are broader where can stack elements capabilities creative, you. and can How proof need
capabilities knowledge. the ahead get that you your wider learning you - should some your description gaps?, future you
Build your T
core and are best, you of where showcasing your WorkLife learn to build entrepreneurial, available to role the you can What do
deep skills and sit the version know stacks, lifelong seek progresses you will be the are How you have?
your core strengths be to best to framework traits on be evolving you career how is more options out seek What BAR?
being supporting want the just need and should ever your This The – role strengths, your experiences WHO ARE YOU NOW? WHO DO YOU NEED TO BE TO GET WHAT YOU WANT?
PILLAR signature you If be to want. You TASKED skills focus an from Everything as PILLAR. opportunities. more the your from and
the relevant and Influence. want your Your BAR. time In new particular are add
with the talents of you If you to complimentary deliverables. - lessons that options. your new building your BAR a of Where can you using other skills
stack all Person for. WorkLife equates and reinvent others on take look T.
shaped with expertise, Key aiming BAR of array WorkLife OPPORTUNITIES experiences new and and in the like current ingredients
T expertise a be upon the top and create career are you relevant
a The wide to defunct If your extra
Build knowhow becoming should based - a AND new refresh have your strategic you - to the
- technical you experiences and become JOB relation are even more
DEPTH of current or Pro what different BREADTH attitude, OPTIONS interests, enhance, already will reinvent and IDEAL in What role