Page 18 - Hikmaty TASKED Guide
P. 18
when you go for a job interview but interests your be will what and be new, the to open ideas, with human to lots with – offer value, add there, wide a to yourself
WAITING FOR. come prepared with your own briefcase full of ideas to help the company improve, useful data and other documentation that shows that you care and how your TASKED stacks will help this company grow. Based upon Ramit Sethi ‘s Briefcase Strategy upon based marketplace the Be skills. soft wonderful a are to magic out Get tell. expose and chore! a not
Differentiate yourself - stacks skill profitable in valuable and technical adapting. you – ‘career’ much so and to stories known get adventure an be
build becoming includes just keep a not are curiosity and others brand, should
to is your It T.
of by By the also to the is you. your your take new the what This you energy, with
all capabilities more is that understand matches seek build that
to career relevant. as it do a for aim rarer build replace is T also own meets can of years. opportunities and remember creative connect build
purpose your the stay talents you The The you to is Your demonstrates fully can you your you, and needs You - abreast few gifts, to interested, to
The proof build and your what opportunity - yourself. expertise it capital. you - value creating excites your T. LEARN keep next growth Also - desire experiences
- future you adapt on of the meaningful WorkLife. CAPITAL harder career that Once it’s by really future AND to need the in WORLD! talents, a get
RELEVANCE to is this ensuring to required focusing foundation presents CAREER differentiate and skillset the – valued your is It stack talent abilities. and T your initiative the that role companies position to the WATCH also you redundant seek flexible, HELLO interests, contribute, contribute, of variety