Page 35 - Warwickers Communication Counts v2015
P. 35
Brief Research Message Develop & Review &
Design Learn
Define Determine Craft themes Create, test and Evaluate, take
Objectives environment and key produce lessons and
and audience messages
appropriate present findings
mindset communications
Expectations Opportunities Themes Audience Targets
established: and compelling , involved and achieved and
Get, Support, messages
challenges targeted and engaged lessons
Do. determined translated learned
1) Identify what 1) Review business 1) Craft persuasive 1) Plan approach, 1) Measure
needs to be who involved, impact, reactions
accomplished context and the messages that timings and tactics and opportunities
(outcomes and to enhance
outputs) environment reinforce positives, 2) Create collateral perceptions
2) Determine counter negatives
whom you wish to
reach (each 2)Define what each and enhance
audience) of your audiences people’s
3) Decide what currently knows/ understanding 3) Test with target 2) Create new
each of your target audiences and collateral needed
audiences should believes generate new ideas
understand (head), 3) Present lessons
support (heart) and 2) Map each 4) Revise collateral and results
do (hands).
2) Identify the facts, message in terms of
values and a theme, a summary
perceptions driving statement and
those beliefs supporting evidence 5) Obtain approvals 4) Establish new
3) Outline potential 3) Determine the 6) Brief and train briefs
opportunities from best channels to use those involved
and challenges to and mediums to
your message deliver the message 7) Implement plan
Brief Research Message Develop & Review &
Design Learn
Define Determine Craft themes Create, test and Evaluate, take
Objectives environment and key produce lessons and
and audience messages
appropriate present findings
mindset communications
Expectations Opportunities Themes Audience Targets
established: and compelling , involved and achieved and
Get, Support, messages
challenges targeted and engaged lessons
Do. determined translated learned
1) Identify what 1) Review business 1) Craft persuasive 1) Plan approach, 1) Measure
needs to be who involved, impact, reactions
accomplished context and the messages that timings and tactics and opportunities
(outcomes and to enhance
outputs) environment reinforce positives, 2) Create collateral perceptions
2) Determine counter negatives
whom you wish to
reach (each 2)Define what each and enhance
audience) of your audiences people’s
3) Decide what currently knows/ understanding 3) Test with target 2) Create new
each of your target audiences and collateral needed
audiences should believes generate new ideas
understand (head), 3) Present lessons
support (heart) and 2) Map each 4) Revise collateral and results
do (hands).
2) Identify the facts, message in terms of
values and a theme, a summary
perceptions driving statement and
those beliefs supporting evidence 5) Obtain approvals 4) Establish new
3) Outline potential 3) Determine the 6) Brief and train briefs
opportunities from best channels to use those involved
and challenges to and mediums to
your message deliver the message 7) Implement plan