Page 2 - PPIAC Newsletter Mar-Apr 2022
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Professional Private Investigators Association of Colorado
Please join me and the rest of the board in welcoming
John Morris as our new president! John brings some
great experience to the position, as he has served as Treas-
urer and Chair in years past. John also has an encyclopedic
knowledge of Robert’s Rules of Order as well as our bylaws
and policies & procedures. He brings an energy and enthu-
siasm our association deserves, and we are lucky to have
John was appointed president by the board of directors af-
ter Rod Gagnon resigned from the position. Fortunately
for Rod, his business has expanded and that leaves less
time for him to do the work that this position requires. We
Jennifer Brown, J.D., CLI will miss Rod’s grand ideas and plans, but luckily, he will
still be a contributing member of PPIAC. Personally, I will
miss working with Rod.
CONFERENCE SURVEY Please join us on May 4, as we return to IN-PERSON meet-
ings! We will have a board meeting at 4:30 p.m., and then
Below is a link to a short have networking and socializing from 6:00 p.m. until we’re
survey regarding the done. Bring your business cards and meet other investiga-
Rocky Mountain Investi- tors outside of Zoom. Look for details in your emails, the
gators Conference that website, and in other parts of this newsletter.
PPIAC holds every Fall. It
can be completed in two Speaking of the newsletter, it is past time for me step down
minutes or less, by simp- from being editor. It is a lot of work and takes time that I’m
ly checking box- finding I have less and less of as I settle into my Chair du-
es. https:// ties. If you have an interest in taking over the role of news-
/r/XNJJYK3 letter editor, please let me know and I’ll be happy to tell
you more about it. You do not need to be a board member.
(In fact, it would be great to have a non-board member
Super simple but super
important! The Board of working on the newsletter.) You can contact me at jen-
Directors values your or
input and wants to make I hope you’ll also consider getting involved on the other
this year’s conference a committees we have. Ask me or any board member for in-
success. Your responses
are anonymous. formation. Or better yet, come to a board meeting and see
what interests you.
The Informant March—April 2022 Issue