Page 4 - PPIAC Newsletter Mar-Apr 2022
P. 4
Professional Private Investigators Association of Colorado
you another question. Do you have any free moments of
your time you could help with one of our committees? Be-
fore you skip to the next paragraph or article, please con-
sider this one thing. PPIAC is the world's GREATEST PI
JUST A REMINDER! organization, hands down, because of one thing. That one
thing is the many volunteers we have that keep the organi-
The next deadline for
submitting items to zation moving forward, feeling fresh, and meeting the
The Informant is members' needs.
June 17, 2022 Serving on one of our committees is a great way to give
newslet- back with just an hour or two of your time a month. And most of our committees do most of the business via email
and the occasional Zoom meeting. So, if you ever wanted to
get some exposure for yourself and your business while
providing a little bit of your time to assist PPIAC, send me
an email at, and we can discuss what
committee would fit you the best.
The Informant March—April 2022 Issue