Page 6 - PPIAC Newsletter Mar-Apr 2022
P. 6
Professional Private Investigators Association of Colorado
September 16 – 17, 2022
We’ve been busy as an Association and I’m excited to say we have
completed the site selection and contract negotiations with the
Great Wolf Lodge, in the northernmost part of Colorado Springs.
Beth Courrau
Great Wolf Lodges
are in select cities
throughout the
United States and The hotel has immaculate conference facilities with huge floor to
Canada. Colorado ground windows and stunning views of Pikes Peak. The Air Force
Springs is one of Academy is right across the highway, where you’ll see small planes
those lucky cities. taking off and landing, as cadets learn how to fly. It’s the growing
Besides excellent and happening part of Colorado Springs and conveniently located
conference facilities, off I-25, which makes it easy to get to for people coming from Pueb-
at the other end of lo, Castle Rock, and the Denver metro area. And we appreciate those
the hotel is a water members who make the trek to the Front Range!
adventure park that So, we have signed and sealed the deal but now comes the
includes putt-putt delivery. This is where we need you!
golf, ropes courses,
and all sorts of activ- Delivery involves everyone in the PPIAC to make the conference
ities. A great get- successful. Many of you are familiar that when a business or associa-
way for people tion chooses a facility for a conference, there are contractual ob-
wanting to bring ligations for the number of hotel room nights needed to be occu-
their family, grand- pied, food and beverage minimums to be met, and of course plan-
kids, and make a ning for the conference.
weekend out of it.
And grown-ups, too. This year’s theme is: Making Every Connection Matter. We
made a great Covid comeback at last year’s conference, and we are
working hard to draw more attendees this year as worries have less-
ened. We have secured some new speakers this year and are contin-
The Informant March—April 2022 Issue