Page 145 - 2022 Colorado Investigative Development Institute (CIDI)
P. 145
Friday, September 7, 2012
7:10pm Investigator Sam Spade departed to conduct a pre-surveillance check.
7:25pm He arrived at the subject’s residence at 123 Main Street, #1, Denver, Colorado.
He located the subject’s registered vehicle which was a white 2010 Mitsubishi Galant,
Colorado license number 123-ABX parked in the parking lot on the west side of Maple
Street, between 1 Ave and 2 Ave. The vehicle was parked on the west side of the lot
near the alley. (Video)
7:30pm Spade departed from the area.
7:42pm He arrived at his destination and was off the case.
(.50 Hour, 10 Miles)
Saturday, September 8, 2012
5:50am Investigator Sam Spade departed for his destination.
6:05am He arrived at the subject’s residence at 123 Main St, #1, Denver, Colorado. The
subject’s registered vehicle, the white 2010 Mitsubishi Galant Colorado license number
123-ABC remained parked in the parking lot on the west side of Maple Street, between
1st Ave and 2nd Ave. Spade began surveillance on the subject’s vehicle. (Video)
10:37am A female who fit the general physical description of the subject and therefore
was believed to be the subject of this investigation, walked down the alley, climbed over
the cement wall which bordered the parking lot, got into the Mitsubishi Galant and she
departed. The cement wall was approximately 36 inches high. (Video)
10:51am She arrived at Vitamin Cottage at 5231 Leetsdale Drive, Denver, Colorado and
she went inside. (Video)
10:55am She returned to her vehicle and departed.
10:59am She arrived at Target near the northeast corner of Virginia Ave and Colorado
Blvd and she went inside. (Video)
11:09am She returned to her vehicle holding one bag in her right hand and she departed.
11:18am She arrived at a Shell gas station on the southeast corner of Iowa Ave and
Colorado Blvd. She parked at a pump and walked inside. She then returned to her vehicle
and appeared to put fuel into the vehicle using her right hand. (Video)
11:20am She departed from the area. (Video)