Page 147 - 2022 Colorado Investigative Development Institute (CIDI)
P. 147
1:38pm Spade entered the business and observed the subject sitting on a bench with
another female in the “Gold Room”. This was one of several rooms where there were
adoptable cats. It was unknown if the subject was getting ready to adopt one of the cats
and the other female was an employee, vice versa or they were both just looking.
1:55pm The website for this business was found to be
According to their website this business was open from 11am until 4:30pm on Saturday
and closed on Sundays and Mondays.
1:57pm The subject returned to her vehicle. (Video)
2:00pm She departed from the area. (Video)
2:09pm The subject returned to her residence and was able to get a parking space on the
street, near the front door of her building. She carried several items in her hands as she
returned into her residence. (Video)
4:36pm There was no further activity and Spade departed from the area.
4:52pm He arrived at his final destination and was off the case.
(11 Hours, 52 Miles)
Monday, September 10, 2012
7:00am Investigator Sam Spade departed for his destination.
7:17am He arrived at the subject’s residence at 123 Main Street #1, Denver, Colorado.
The subject’s white 2010 Mitsubishi Galant Colorado license number 123-ABC was
parked in front of the residence. Spade began surveillance.
9:12am The subject came out to the vehicle, appeared to retrieve two bags from the
passenger seat of the vehicle and carried them into the residence. (Video)
11:01am The subject and an unidentified male came out to the subject’s vehicle and they
departed, with the subject driving the vehicle. (Video)
11:13am They arrived at Safeway at 323 S Broadway, Denver, Colorado and they both
went inside. (Video)
11:29am While inside the Safeway the subject was observed pushing a grocery cart and
placing several grocery items into her cart, including a small bag of flower, a 12 pack of
can soda pop, two gallons of milk, a dozen eggs and a gallon of ice cream. (Video) At
this time they entered a check-out line and therefore Spade returned to his vehicle.
11:35am The subject and her male companion returned to the vehicle with the subject
pushing a grocery cart. The male sat in the passenger seat, while the subject loaded the
grocery items into the rear seat, driver’s side. She then pushed the empty cart to a cart
rack, got into the driver’s seat and they departed from the area. (Video)