Page 1 - PPIAC June July 2021 Newsletter
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June-July 2021

                                                                  A Message from the Chair

                                           Summer is finally here, and people are beginning to travel to in-person conferences,
                                           myself included. I just got back from San Antonio, where I attended the annual training
                                           event for the National Association of Legal Investigators. The event was sold out, and
                                           the speaker lineup was impressive.

                                           I was proud of our attending NALI members from Colorado, all of whom are also PPIAC
      Index:                               members. They did well representing investigators from our state. Mike Depew, a

                                           PPIAC member in Texas, provided lots of information about the Alamo and his home
                                           state's history. Craig Smith got an honorable mention for the Anthony Golec
      Chair’s Message
                                           Editor/Publisher Award for his article in The Legal Investigator about cognitive
                                           dissonance. Jennifer Brown chairs the Certified Legal Investigator committee, so she
      President’s Message                  ran the day-long CLI exam and co-presented to the conference on the exam itself.

                                           The two highest awards bestowed by NALI are not given annually but only in years
      VP of Training Update                when they are well-deserved. This year, both of those awards were presented to NALI
                                           members, who are both PPIAC members. Rachel Roberts was presented with the
                                           National Director's award for her work with NALI's membership committee. Ellis
      VP of Legislation Update             Armistead, who made an appearance by video in front of the entire conference,
                                           received the Julius “Buddy” Bombet, CLI, Lifetime Achievement Award for his
      Classifieds (New!)                   contributions to the association, including service as a past National Director.

                                           We have our PPIAC annual conference set for September 24-25 in Golden. Please mark
      Member Updates (New!)                your calendars now and plan to attend. It will be an in-person conference. I'm looking
                                           forward to seeing as many of you as possible. Since it's Tan Smyth's last conference as
                                           VP of Training, I'm sure it will be educational and memorable.

                                           Sam Petitto, PPIAC Chair
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