Page 2 - PPIAC June July 2021 Newsletter
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August 4, 2021

            Justin Seitz

        The Investigative
          Tool Hunch.Ly

          Join our monthly
         trainings via Zoom

        Board meeting 4:30-
          5:30 p.m. (voting
        members welcome)                                             President’s Message
                                          I recently read an article stating that Colorado has the 6th best overall economy
                                          in the U.S. in 2021; 7th if you’re looking at economic activity; and 9th if you’re
           6:00 – 6:30 p.m.               looking at potential innovation. In a different article, I read that Colorado is the
             Networking                   4th state on the list when it comes to moving to better places during the
                                          pandemic. Almost 1,000,000 people have moved here since 2010, with
         6:30 p.m. General                another 1,000,000 expected in the next decade. Or the quick summary:
                Meeting                   Colorado is growing like crazy, and many people are moving here.
                                          With that said, the loss of our Private Investigator licensing couldn’t come at a
          All times are in Mountain Time   worse time. There will be new unlicensed investigators showing up, and some
                 Email                    of them wouldn’t be able to pass DORA’s background check if our licensing                program were still around. More importantly, some of them wouldn’t be able to
             for login info               pass our background check. I encourage you to protect yourselves, your
                                          agencies, and your sub-contractors with a commitment to professionalism.
                                          Consider getting a license in another state, adopting a Standard of Practice
                                          (coming soon), and carrying appropriate professional insurance. It’s time to
                                          circle the wagons and protect each other and our industry as best we can, at
                                          least while we fight to get our licensing back.
                                          Be safe out there.
          Visit Our Sponsors!

                                          Rod Gagnon
                                          President, PPIAC

                                          P.S. If you’re looking for a way to share some of your knowledge, we need your
                                          help with articles that we can share with the members in this newsletter. Please
                                          submit your articles to or let us know if you think what
                                          you have can be done in an online class or in our monthly trainings by sending
                                          your ideas to
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