Page 18 - Penta Book's Literacy Catalogue 2
P. 18


                    •   Leading to A1 (CEFR)  COOKIE LAND               JASPER’S POT OF
                    •  Starters (YLE)        Join Ricky, Lulu and Sam   GOLD
                    •  Headwords: 80-85      as they journey to Cookie   Join Jasper, the leprechaun,
                                             Land to save the cookie    and his friend Liam, and visit
                                             population from the        magic Rainbow Land. With
                                             terrifying Big Mouth! This   them the angry villagers
                                             enchanting tale is sure to   search for gold, but in the
                                             delight young readers and   end they find something
                                             make them very hungry, too.  much more valuable.

                                             THE UGLY                   THE PRINCESS
                                             DUCKLING                   AND THE FROG
                                             Nobody likes the little    A beautiful princess drops
                                             duckling because he’s ugly,   her favourite golden ball
                                             so he sets off on his own.   in the palace well. How will
                                             Will the poor duckling ever
                                                                        she get it back? A little frog
             ELTReaders                      this classic story and see   without getting something
                                             be happy again? Read
                                                                        offers to help her, but not
                                             how things can have an
                                                                        in return... Read and
                                             unexpected turn for the
                                                                        discover how the princess
                                                                        will find her ball, together
                                                                        with something much more
                                    Penta Books                         precious.
          16                                                                        mmpublications

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