Page 19 - Penta Book's Literacy Catalogue 2
P. 19


           PINOCCHIO                   THE GINGERBREAD             THE FOX AND THE
           Pinocchio is very naughty   MAN                         CROW
           and keeps getting in trouble.   One day, a woman makes a   One day, a hungry fox
           How will he manage to       yummy gingerbread man.      comes across a crow which
           become a real boy? An       But when she opens the      has a yummy piece of
           entertaining story that also   oven door, the gingerbread   cheese. What will the fox
           teaches how important it is   man runs away.... What will   think of to get the cheese
           to be good and honest.      become of the gingerbread   from the crow?
                                       man?                        Will its plan work?

                                    Penta Books                                               PRIMARY Readers
           2O21catalogue                                                                      17

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