Page 23 - Penta Book's Literacy Catalogue 2
P. 23


           SLEEPING BEAUTY             THE EMPEROR’S               LITTLE RED
           A wicked witch curses a     NIGHTINGALE                 RIDING HOOD
           beautiful princess and      The Emperor hears the       Little Red Riding Hood goes
           she pricks her finger on a   Nightingale sing, and      to her grandma’s house
           spindle stick. The princess   takes it to his palace. But   with her basket full of treats.
           falls into a deep sleep,    then another bird comes...   In the forest, she meets
           together with everyone else
           in the palace. However, a   What will the Emperor do?   the wolf and she’s in for a
           handsome prince arrives     Find out how the Emperor    surprise. Or is he?
           to save the day... See how   learned to appreciate true
           things have a happy ending   beauty.
           in this classic fairy tale.

           THE SHEPHERD
           BOY AND THE
           The shepherd boy thinks
           it’s funny to make all the                                                         PRIMARY Readers
           villagers run to him when
           he cries ‘wolf’. But when
           the real wolf arrives, the
           shepherd boy will learn a

                                    Penta Books
           2O21catalogue                                                                      21

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