Page 27 - Penta Book's Literacy Catalogue 2
P. 27


               •  A2.2 (CEFR)          GULLIVER IN                 AROUND THE
               •  Flyers (YLE) /       LILLIPUT                    WORLD IN 80 DAYS
                 KET (Cambridge)       Read about Gulliver’s       Phileas Fogg and his faithful
               •  Headwords: 430       amazing journey to Lilliput   servant, Passepartout, will
                                       and find out everything     leave London. They will try
                                       about this strange country   to travel around the world
                                       and his adventures there.   in eighty days for a bet. Will
                                                                   they make it? Or will the
                                                                   many adventures on the
                                                                   way make them lose the


                                       ROBIN HOOD                  FROM THE EARTH
                                       This classic story still    TO THE MOON
                                       fascinates readers          A group of men decide
                                       worldwide. Read about       to build a spaceship and
                                       Robin Hood’s exciting       travel to the moon. It is not
                                       adventures in Sherwood      an easy task, and the road
                                       Forest.                     is full of adventures and   PRIMARY Readers

                                    Penta Books                                               25

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