Page 26 - Penta Book's Literacy Catalogue 2
P. 26


                    •  A2.1 (CEFR)          TOM SAWYER                  THE THREE
                    •  Flyers (YLE) /       During their adventures     MUSKETEERS
                      KET (Cambridge)       around the Mississippi
                    •  Headwords: 350       River, Tom and his friend   D’Artagnan wants to
                                                                        become a musketeer in the
                                            Huckleberry find out a      king’s army. With Athos,
                                            lot about the real world    Porthos and Aramis he
                                            of adults - emotions and    will have many adventures
                                            superstitions, murder and   because now they are ‘one
                                            revenge, starvation and     for all and all for one’!


                  THE ODYSSEY               THESEUS AND THE             SINBAD THE
                  On his way to Ithaca, after   MINOTAUR                SAILOR
                  the end of the Trojan War,   Read this Greek myth     Sinbad sets sail on his ship,
                  Odysseus encounters       and find out how a brave    seeking thrill and adventure.
                  mythical creatures,       Athenian hero saved seven   On his seven voyages, he
                  frightening monsters, and   young men and seven       finds danger and monsters
             ELTReaders  Poseidon.          sacrificed to the Minotaur.  excitement.
                  even the anger of the god
                                                                        but also riches and
                                            young women from being

                                    Penta Books
          24                                                                        mmpublications

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