Page 25 - Penta Book's Literacy Catalogue 2
P. 25


           PETER PAN                   HEIDI                       THE COUNTRY
           This is the story of Peter Pan,   Heidi is a little girl who goes   MOUSE AND THE
           a little boy who didn’t want   to live with her difficult   CITY MOUSE
           to grow up. Readers will be   old grandfather up in the   The city mouse visits his
           excited by the adventures of   Alps. Heidi will love her   cousin in the country for the
           Peter Pan and the Darling   new life on the mountains   first time and experiences
           children when they fly to   and Grandfather will love   a lifestyle he had never
           Neverland.                  Heidi and her appetite for   imagined. What will happen
                                                                   when the country mouse
                                                                   repays the visit and goes to
                                                                   the city?

                                    Penta Books                                               PRIMARY Readers
           2O21catalogue                                                                      23

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