Page 57 - Penta Book's Literacy Catalogue 2
P. 57

LEVEL4                                                                     CLASSIC STORIES

               •  B1 (CEFR)            CAPTAIN GRANT’S             GREAT
               •  PET (Cambridge)      CHILDREN                    EXPECTATIONS
               •  Headwords: 1200      In this classic Jules Verne   In this classic Dickensian
                                       adventure story, a message   story, the life of an
                                       that the passengers and     orphan boy named Pip
                                       crew of the Duncan find     is forever changed by his
                                       in a shark’s belly launches   encounter with a convict,
                                       the search for the missing   his acquaintance with the
                                       Captain Grant.              mysterious Miss Havisham,
                                                                   his great love for Estella
                                                                   and the unexpected help
                                                                   of an unknown benefactor.
                                                                   Readers will be highly
                                                                   moved by joining Pip
                                                                   through his hard journey of
                                                                   great expectations.

                                       Victor Frankenstein works                              GRADED
                                       day and night to create
                                       his monster, thinking it will
                                       be a great advance in the
                                       scientific field. However, his
                                       creation only brings about
                                       sadness and death. This
                                       classic tale of a monstrous
                                       creation is sure to thrill and                         READERS
                                       fascinate readers.

                                    Penta Books                                               55

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