Page 61 - Penta Book's Literacy Catalogue 2
P. 61

LEVEL3                                         ORIGINAL STORIES

           THE MIX-UP                                              IN THE YEAR OF
           In this contemporary story,    •  A2.2 (CEFR)           THE DRAGON
           four American teenage          •  KET (Cambridge)       In this contemporary
           musicians are invited to       •  Headwords: 1000       story, two brothers, Jason
           one of the most prestigious                             and Nicholas, get lost
           music awards in New York                                in the midst of Hong
           and expect to have the time                             Kong’s colourful New Year
           of their lives.                                         celebrations after Jason’s
                                                                   plans are intercepted by his
                                                                   curious younger brother.

           LISA VISITS LOCH                                        SAVE THE FOREST
           NESS                                                    Christopher Andrews lives   GRADED
           Lisa continues her                                      in Aylesworth. He finds out
           adventures, this time along                             that his favourite place,
           the banks of the beautiful                              Aylesworth forest, will be
           but mysterious Loch Ness in                             cut down to build blocks of
           Scotland.                                               flats. He decides that he has
                                                                   to do something to save this
                                                                   beautiful old forest.      READERS

                                    Penta Books
           2O21catalogue                                                                      59

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