Page 60 - Penta Book's Literacy Catalogue 2
P. 60

READERS    LEVEL1                                                  LEVEL2

                    •  A1.1 (CEFR)           LISA GOES TO                  •  A2.1 (CEFR)
                                                                           •  KET (Cambridge)
                    •  Headwords: 400
              GRADED                         in order to take part in the
                                             In this story, a young girl
                                                                           •  Headwords: 600 - 800
                                             goes on a trip to London
                                             final of an international
                                             short story competition.
                                             Readers will join her and
                                             her fellow finalists on their
                                             exciting sightseeing tour of
                                             the British capital.

                                             PAUL AND PIERRE
                                             IN PARIS
                                             Paul, a young English boy,
                                             travels through the Chunnel
                                             to Paris. There, he meets his
             ELTReaders  ORIGINAL STORIES    Dupont and Pierre’s cousin
                                             pen-friend Pierre Dupont,
                                             Monsieur and Madame
                                             Sylvie. Paul visits the famous
                                             sights of Paris and helps
                                             Pierre and Sylvie with a
                                             school project with truly
                                             exciting results. Enjoy a
                                             majestic tour in the City
                                             of Lights and share their
          58                        Penta Books                                     mmpublicationstions
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       Readers-Catalogue-2021.indd   58                                                 22/1/2021   11:15:46 πµ
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