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5.  Encouraging and assisting Regional Centres with embracing new technology in
                   developing Buddhism and their communities.

               The following two main items as the guiding principles for the next two years B.E. 2562-2563
            (2019-2020) were reinforced:
               1.  To promote Buddhist values among the Buddhist family, especially the women and
                   children, and to enhance moral education for Buddhist children based on Buddhist values.

               2.  To encourage Buddhist women to be more involved in educational, health and social
                   activities based on Buddhist teachings, and to improve the health and safety issues for
                   Buddhist women and children.’
               The Secretary, Mrs. Anita Carter, read out the Action Plans from B.E. 2559 (2016) meeting
            minutes. Under the title ‘Accountability - Roles and Responsibility’, it states that “The core group
            will communicate frequently and meet virtually four times a year”.  Mrs. Anita explained that
            this plan was not able to be fulfilled due to the unavailability of some of the core group members.

            A discussion took place regarding the plans made at the last meeting, and suggestions were made
            to work towards fulfilling our goals.

            Ven. Shi, Yuen Guo, discussed the plans to establish an effective and efficient Communication
            System (e.g. Facebook, LINE group), among all members of the Standing Committee. This
            was started at the last meeting but has not been completed.

               Ven. Shi, Yuen Guo, has offered her services as Communication Officer for the Standing
            Committee on Women.  This was accepted.
               Ven. Shi, Yuen Guo asked for authority to be granted so that she can reactivate the Facebook
            page which she created for our Standing Committee. Mrs. Kanchana Soonsawad confirmed
            authorization, along with the support of the committee.
               Ven. Shi, Yuen Guo suggested that the Standing Committee on Women invite previous
            committee members to be a part of the social media groups.
               Mr. Denphong Suwannachairop, who has much experience from his time with the WFBY,
            concurred with usefulness of social media for communication. He explained that discussion
            can happen anytime anywhere. This will allow the formal Committee Meetings as the place to
            formalise decisions.  He also offered to help create the online group.
               Ven. Shi, Yuen Guo requested that in the role of Communications Officer, the committee
            open and reply to all emails that she sends, so that good communication can be maintained

               All agreed.

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