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Booklet ‘Family Living: Creating a Happy Family’
Mrs. Anita Carter, Secretary, provided an update on the booklet for families as discussed at
our last Meeting. The title of the booklet will be: ‘Family Living: Creating a Happy Family’.
Life which fulfills the requirements of providing guidance for family and children, as well as
including the Five Precepts or the 10 Golden Rules.
The committee agreed once the booklet is completed, it is to be translated into other
languages. It was also suggested that a bi-lingual version of the book can be created for people
learning English, and Audio Book version could be recorded.
Ven. Shi, Yuen Guo commented that all publications generally go through a peer review
process and we should also ensure this is done. She also recommended leveraging the current
resource such as Buddha Net for inspiration and ideas for our book.
The Acting Chairperson, Mrs. Kanchana Soonsawad, advised the committee that the current
balance in the bank account for our committee is around USD9,000/-, and that these funds
can put that towards publishing the book. Mrs. Meera Jyoti offered to distribute the book in
Nepal and translate it into Nepalese. She emphasized that the copyright will remain with The
WFB Standing Committee on Women.
Roles and responsibilities
The current core committee group membership was reviewed and new core group members
were nominated and a new core group was established. The newly elected core group member
roles are as follow:
• Communication Officer Ven. Shi, Yuen Guo
• Education/Publication Officer Mrs. Anita Carter
• The WFB Advisors Dr. Steven Huang & Mrs. Kanchana Soonsawad
• Treasurer Ms. Sarthanee Poonsapaya
• Social Activities Officer Mrs. Meera Jyoti
• Reviewer Ms. Claire Ransome
The core committee group will meet monthly online, with the first meeting scheduled for
8 December B.E. 2561 (2018).
1. Ven. Shi, Yuen Guo will reactive the FB group (one open group with activities and one
for committee member only) and email all committee member (past and current) the
instructions to join ‘LINE’ and Face Book group by 8 December B.E. 2561 (2018).
2. All present member to review the draft booklet and provide any feedback to Anita by
8 December B.E. 2561 (2018). Following on from that, Anita will seek publication to
proceed. After the draft is finalized, Anita will send members a PDF file.