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P. 128
1. It is resolved that the Standing Committee Meeting of Buddhist Pancasila Samadana
should commence by observing Pancasila and it was observed by the members present
at the meeting;
2. It was resolved that the matters from last two years proposal should be read out first
and accordingly the remaining matters were highlighted. It was discussed what has been
done in the last two years from the past proposal.
Following are the Next Two Year Programs for Buddhist Pancasila Samadana:-
1. It is resolved that there should be an Essay Competition on Pancasila and Buddha and
his Dhamma in various countries. Among them three contestants should be selected
and among all the selected contested one among the world should be selected as the
winner. This way we can develop and encourage the masses of various countries to
practice Pancasila in their life.
2. It is resolved that Posters, Pamphlets, Small Cards or Smart Cards and Cut-outs about
the Pancasila should be distributed to every country and every regional centre of The
World Fellowship of Buddhists. It can be circulated among the School and Colleges.
The English and Pali edition of the same can be issued to the various regional centres,
and the regional centres can get it translated in the regional language and distribute in
their respective country.
3. It is proposed that information about Pancasila should be transmitted through Television
Programs and Talk Shows on the Buddhist Channels in various countries.
1 ) It is resolved that the Buddhist Countries should introduce a Certified Course about
Pancasila and the Trainers Training Programs Syllabus should be designed. The other
regional countries should nominate some of the trainers to undertake the training
in the Buddhist Country. And it will be their duty to train the people about the
Pancasila in their Country.
2 ) It is resolved that World Buddhist University should also introduce Pancasila in
their syllabus.
3 ) It is resolved that there should be Programs for the Parents about the knowledge of
the Pancasila. Past year Korean group has proposed to introduce the Pancasila to
mid and high school students and now it is resolved that also the students of College
should be introduced to the Pancasila.
Accordingly, the meeting was finished by the Chairman of the Buddhist and the World
Peace Prayer was observed by the members present at the meeting.
The Chairman vote of thanks.