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            on Wednesday, 7 November B.E. 2561 (2018)  at 1:30 pm.
            in Yuri and Ran Conference Room, Marroad International Hotel Narita,  Narita, Japan

                The Plenary Session 2 entitled ‘We are a Team’ was led by Vice President, Mr. Mooi Chee
            Onn and assisted by Ms. Mille Tham and Mr. Cedric Tan.

                A self-assessment form was distributed during Plenary Session 1 and all new EXBO members
            had to complete the form while the rest of the delegates were given option not to fill the form.
            The form is about self-measurement of personal contribution towards working in a team.
                Delegates were Mr. Ken into various groups and introduced themselves.  Later Mr. Chee Onn
            led them towards understanding themselves better and the roles each can play based on their
            strengths.  They have to lead themselves first before leading others to be committed and
            competent.  The session was filled with interactive games and was well received by the participants.

            The Plenary Session 2 concluded at 4:50 pm.
            Proceedings recorded by Cedric Tan, ASG.


            on Thursday, 8 November B.E. 2561 (2018)  at 9:00 am.
            in Fuji Conference Room, Marroad International Hotel Narita, Narita, Japan

                WFBY delegates joined the session together with members of The WFB and WBU

               The session began with chanting led by Ven. Phra Shakyavongvisuddhi (Anil Sakya) and
            then Rev. Kobayashi.
               The session commenced with presentation of Certificate of Appreciation for donation towards
            The WFB Fund and The WFB Humanitarian Fund.  Amongst recipient noted is WFBY RC
            i.e. Ci-Hang Welfare Foundation for the donation towards Nepal Earthquake Relief Fund.

                President Rev. Hakuga Murayama was also invited to say a few words to during this session
            and he sought support from all present towards the activities of WFBY.

            The WFB Plenary Session 1 concluded at 11:00 am.

            Proceedings recorded by Cedric Tan, ASG.

                                 RECORD OF PROCEEDING  |  THE 20  GENERAL CONFERENCE OF THE WFBY
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