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Report from WFB Youth Standing Committee during Joint Plenary Session 2
            held on Thursday, 8 November B.E. 2561 (2018) at 3:30 pm.
            Marroad International Hotel Narita, Narita, Japan

               Rev. Murayama presented the proposed calendar of events for WFBY for the term 2018-2020
            based on the outcome of the discussion from The WFB Youth Standing Committee Meeting
            held earlier.  This formed the base of the events and more events were added into the calendar
            after the informal EXBO Meeting held later in the evening.

               For the full calendar of WFBY’s programme for term 2018-2020, please refer to Addendum 1.
               The planned gift exchange session to be held after the end of The WFB-WFBY-WBU Joint
            Plenary Session 2 was postponed to the dinner time the following night in the hotel’s ballroom
            after the return from the 29  WFB General Conference Closing Ceremony held in Sojiji
            Temple, Yokohama.

            The Plenary Session 2 ended at 6:00 pm.

            Proceedings recorded by Cedric Tan, ASG.

                                 RECORD OF PROCEEDING  |  THE 20  GENERAL CONFERENCE OF THE WFBY
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