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Proceedings from the WFB Youth Standing Committee aka WFBY Meeting
held on Thursday 8 November B.E. 2561 (2018) commencing 12:30 am.
in Shrine Room, Marroad International Hotel Narita, Narita, Japan
The meeting was chaired by President Rev. Murayama and commenced at 1:15 pm.
The focus of the meeting is to draft the activities programme for the term 2018-2020.
The following is the proposed programme for the said term:
• May 2019 – Wesak in Sri Lanka by ACBC
Participants involved in this programme will be involved in Wesak preparation such making
of lanterns, pandals and related activities such as feeding the thousands of devotees thronging
the temple during this religious day.
• October 2019 – Art Exhibition & Culture Show by YMBA
An event showcasing local and international art by local artistes and cultural shows by
YBMA performers.
• November 2019 – Youth Business Forum by ACBC
A business networking activities for young Buddhist businessmen in conjunction with
ACBC’s 100 year Anniversary.
• March 2020 – IBYE @ Osaka, Japan
An inter-culture programme suitable for youth to learn local culture and to make new friends. The
Kanto area is renowned for ancient temples and headquarters for many Buddhist denominations.
• July/August 2020 – Spiritual tour and Art programme in Mongolia
by Dashichoiling Monastery, Mongolia
Tour programme to get to know Mongolian Buddhist and local art and culture. This will
include temple tour and a change to view mask dance by monks. Tour will include culture
activities and camping out in a yurt out in the steppe.
• Syllabus for Leadership programme by BGF, YBAT, BYN
The creation of this syllabus will serve as a guide for IBYE and also Youth leadership training
programme. The leadership programme aims to attract youth to participate in Buddhist-
based activities and to create avenue to retain youth of caliber to lead the masses of the future.
The tentative programme about was shared to during the Joint WFB-WFBY-WBU Plenary
Session 2 held immediately after the close of this meeting.
The WFB Youth Standing Committee / WFBY Meeting concluded at 3:25 pm.
Proceedings recorded by Cedric Tan, ASG.