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Section 1   The Chairman of each Standing committees shall have the duty to lead
                          drafting of new resolution and to co-ordinate the implementation in all
                          regional centers of resolutions allocated by the Executive Board.

               Section 2   Each Standing Committee shall be appointed by the Executive Board
                          and shall comprise members of more than one regional country.

               Section 1   TADMINISTRATIONS

                          •  To be chaired by the Secretary General and assisting by the Assistant
                          •  Secretary Generals, Treasurer, and three others as members.
                          •  To oversee the membership of WFBY.

                          •  To disseminate information of WFBY to member countries and
                              coordinate the implementation of programs and activities of WFBY.
                          •  To formulate action plans for enhancing the publicity and image
                              of WFBY.

               Section 2   YOUTH DEVELOPMENT
                          •  To be chaired by a Vice President and having an Assistant Secretary

                          •  General to act as the Secretary and at least four others as members.
                          •  To initiate International Buddhist Youth Program for mutual
                              exchange of Buddhist Youth in the Regional Centers.
                          •  To seek and coordinate the participation of Buddhist Youth in other
                              regional programs implemented by other international or regional
                          •  To develop action plans to attract more Buddhist Youth involve
                              in personal development programs like meditation, Dhamma
                              preaching and training.

               Section 3   INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS
                          •  To be chaired by a Vice President and having an Assistant Secretary
                              General to act as the Secretary and at least five others as members.

                          •  To monitor and promote contact between WFBY and other
                              international organizations, both Buddhists and non-Buddhists.
                          •  To establish and promote bilateral fellowship between Regional

                                 RECORD OF PROCEEDING  |  THE 20  GENERAL CONFERENCE OF THE WFBY
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