Page 81 - mobile
P. 81

“They’re sea turtles!” The girls exclaimed, in harmony, Their faces lit up with joy

               and surprise. There was a whole pod of black shelled leatherback sea turtles. “Fishfins I
               want you to meet my friend AhQu  (ahh-Q)” She told them, as One of the turtle came

               up to them. “Wait so is it like the letter Q or were you meaning Ah-Qu as in that’s its
               name by sound?” Sireinamelosjhara asked. Ranishcana chuckled. “Hmm it is really

               AhQu as in the sound. He is a Leatherback sea turtle, and is 670 years old.” She started
               to say, as three little baby turtles appeared from behind his shell. They peered over at
               the girls, two floated up and bubbled around in the water. One of them floated around

               in the water bubbling its way around Sireinamelosjhara. “Awww they’re so cute.”
               Sirenamelosjhara said. As the little one snuggled up to her face, tickling her and

               playing in her hair.

                   “These are his great, great grandchildren. LevVy (Lehv-Vee) is the youngest, Coral, is
               the oldest and that little one is Little Torkhigiuh (Tore-kih-jaw). Well she's the feisty

               one of the bale Trijugalla (Try-jew-gall-la) Leatherback pod. She gets it from playing
               with all the Eels, Jellyfish and Stingrays liters. And shes the middle pup.” Ranishcana
               explained. The little ones played around with the girls as Ranishcana spoke with the sea

               turtle. Telling him the situation. Knekiose peered into his satchel and looked at his
               wrapped gift he was saving. Part of the seaweed wrapping had come off and you could

               see a small smooth stone. It was a radiant dark purple sapphire. He heard a grunted
               shrieking sounds of a handful of turtles behind him. He quickly closed his satchel and

               looked up. One of the big females was coming towards him. He moved out of her way
               then looked over at the girls as a few more passed by him. From in front and behind. He

               watched as the girls and the little baby sea turtles laughed and enjoyed each other.
               After Ranishcana and AhQu the turtle were done speaking, the water began to split
               going in three different directions. And the fog began to clear up as well. But made the

               water look even more terrifying.

                       AhQu dove down under scooping everyone up onto his back. Sireinamelosjhara,
               Colshios, and Elcoe were a bit startled by the unexpected ride. As they began to dive
               down deeper into the channel. Ranishcana eyes turned a golden white, as she peered

               down the waterways. “It's time!" She said as the little ones swam back behind their
               grandfather and buckled down tight under the shell callor. "AhQu says he can feel the
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