Page 78 - mobile
P. 78
“In danger?” Colshios managed to say out of breath. “What do you mean in danger?..
And wait! Who is this?” Sireinamelosjhara asked as she pold away from Knekiose grasp.
“There's no time!" He shouted to her. More of the Place began to fall around them.
Colshios placed her hand on her friend's shoulder. “We need to leave.” She told her in a
calm voice then grabbed her friend's wrist and tugged on her then turned to follow the
other two with Elcoe closely trailing behind her. Sireinamelosjhara held her right arm
quickly swimming after them. Weaving through falling rock crumbles as well as some of
the sturdier pillar frames.
"Look out!" The unknown merfolken shouted as she zipped through the water and
wisked Sirenamelosjhara out of the way of a big magic lava blast that came from
outside the palace. Sirenamelosjhara looked stunned as her body froze with fear. "Come
on!" They shouted as she took her wrist and zipped through the water to safety.
Once the five of them were far enough outside of the kingdom walls they took a short
rest to catch their breath. Knekiose swam over to a handmade array of coral and looked
as though he was searching for something. “So who is she? What is going on?!”
Sireinamelosjhara asked, vigorously impatient once again. “She's the daughter of my
mother's friend and is like family. Her name is Ranishcana (Ray-nee-sh-con-uh). She
is a few years younger than myself, but in any case. She is here to help us find Princess
Chellejary. She is good with tracking and alluring. And seeing as she was the top of her
graduating class. If anyone can help find the Princess it’s her.” He started to say but
was interrupted.
“What about the guards? The one practically shoved us in the room knowing what
was happening. We could have died." Colshios said. “There's no time! The kingdom has
been breached, and everyone is searching for Princess Chellejary. Besides your room as
well as most of the palace is practically ruines now. They will believe that you are gone
with the waves. (Pause for breath) Soon all of these waters will be if we don’t keep you
two safe and find Princess Chellejary.” He explained to them. "Are some of the guards
working for you know who?" Ranishcana whispered quietly looking over at knekiose.
While she sat on one of the coral sponges. The girls cocked their heads and looked at her
then at Knekiose who was finishing up, placing the last of his things into his sachle. He