Page 14 - The Edge - Back to School 2017
P. 14


              BY DON HARRIS

              Panel Encourages AASBO Members

              to Be More Active Politically

              A panel of education advocates, a consultant and a journalist who   On  the  Save  Our Schools  campaign to
            has covered Arizona’s political scene since 1982 provided AASBO  delay  implementation  of  the law  expanding
            members with a glimpse of what to expect from the governor and the  the Empowerment Scholarship Accounts
            Legislature regarding school funding.                  (ESA) program and put the issue on the 2018
              At the closing session of AASBO’s Summer Conference and Expo  November general election ballot, Kotterman
            on July 22, the panelists also o  ered suggestions on what school  cautioned that lawmakers could undercut the
            business o   cials should be doing to aid their cause.  referendum process and thwart the signature-
              Moderated by Chuck Essigs, AASBO Director of Government  gathering process by repealing the current
            Relations,  the  panel  consisted  of  Chris  Kotterman,  Director  of  law and enacting a new one. SB1431 expands
            Government Relations, Arizona School Boards Association; Paul  eligibility to all students, phased in over the
            Bentz, Vice President, Research and Strategy, HighGround Public  next four years. Currently, the ESA program  Chris Kotterman
            A  airs Consultants; Dick Foreman, President and CEO, Arizona  only covers certain classes of students, including
            Business and Education Coalition; Howie Fischer, Capitol Media  children with special needs and children assigned to failing schools.
            Services; and Jen Darland, Co-Founder and Vice President, Arizona   However, Fischer pointed out that if the existing law remains in
            Education Network.                                     e  ect, it provides that the cap on vouchers, which totals 30,000, goes

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