Page 19 - The Edge - Back to School 2017
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IMPROBABLE DREAM                                         Carl Hayden won by a single point.    ey competed again in the
                                                                   next two years and   nished third and then second. “   e best part,”
            CONTINUED FROM PAGE 17                                 said Lajvardi, “is that we beat MIT all three years.”

            have a Power Point presentation.    ey told the judges Power Points   A  er the school’s   rst big win, Lajvardi expected a wave of
            are for people who don’t have anything to say.”        positive publicity, but nothing happened until a year later in 2004
              At the awards ceremony, Carl Hayden was given a special prize  when a magazine writer picked up on the story.     e movie deal
            for best technical writing. Lajvardi   gured it was “a pity prize.”    en  came later.
            came time for the award for the overall winner. Lajvardi said he      e publicity generated support from around the world. About
            knew his team had done well, but when they announced the second  $100,000 in donations came in for the students. Each of the four,
            place team was the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, he held  who all were immigrants, received $25,000 toward their college
            his breath.                                            education, Lajvardi said.
              “MIT in second place?” Lajvardi said. “We’re thinking, who the      ey didn’t rely on the old excuses, such as: we can’t do that
            heck is   rst?”                                        because we’re poor, because our parents didn’t go to college, because
              Back when they had   rst decided to enter the competition, his  we’re Mexican, Lajvardi said.
            students had gotten him to promise that if they won he would take   “Every excuse you can come up with, those kids had gone
            them to Hooters. “I   gured that was the safest bet on the planet,” he  through it,” he said. “It wasn’t a   uke or a one-time event. It changed
            said. “It’s never going to come back to bite me.”      their lives – they went to college. It takes a team to build a dream.”
              As the judges were about to announce the overall winner,   Lajvardi encouraged AASBO members: “Try to incorporate
            Lajvardi told his team: “If what we think is going to happen,  as much of the diversity in your population as possible. You don’t
            happens, under no circumstances do I want you to announce that  know where that next great idea is coming from. If life doesn’t give
            we’re going to Hooters.”                               you a dream, build one.”

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