Page 20 - The Edge - Back to School 2017
P. 20


                                             BY DON HARRIS
                                             Going Online for Textbooks Saved

                                             Deer Valley Uni  ed Millions of Dollars,

                                             Helped Students, Increased Productivity
            Martin James    Bill Munch

              Deer Valley Uni  ed School District has saved millions of dollars   With Arizona ranked 48th in school funding among the 50
            by utilizing On Demand Curriculum Printing instead of purchasing  states, James said, “We have to come up with ways to save money,
            costly textbooks.                                      and to   nd alternate sources to make our dollars go further.”
                 at was the good news message from Martin James, Manager   So   ve years ago Deer Valley began using On Demand Textbook
            of the district’s Graphic Communications Department. James and  Printing. “On Demand Textbook Printing utilizes an online digital
            Bill Munch of Valley Schools Management Group told AASBO  storefront,” James said. “We print royalty-free curriculum, which
            members the latest on textbook purchasing during a breakout  allows us to forgo the purchase of high-priced traditional textbooks.
            session on July 20.                                       e digital store is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week to allow
                                                                   you to order when it’s convenient for you. On Demand o  ers more
                                                                   than 20,000 curriculum-based products. We have saved the district
                                                                       millions of dollars and increased productivity for teachers and
                                                                            Another advantage is that teachers can order only those
                                                                          chapters of a book that they plan to teach.
                                                                             “   ey don’t teach the entire book – they can’t get
                                                                           through it all,” James said. “So that saves more money
                                                                           and paper.”
                                                                             From the time an order is placed, the turnaround
                                                                           time is   ve days, and Deer Valley provides the On
                                                                           Demand Curriculum service to about 20 other school
                                                                            districts as well, James said. Any district can download
                                                                            the information, but James is facilitating the process.
                                                                               e subjects o  ered online include reading, math and
                                                                               James explained a bene  t for students. “It gives them
                                                                             ownership,” he said. “   is is their textbook.    ey can
                                                                             write in it.    ere are worksheets in it.    ey can keep
                                                                             it through the summer. With a regular textbook, they
                                                                             have to turn it in at the end of the semester. Students
                                                                                    can keep the material for as long as they want
                                                                                          to utilize this resource. It’s ready to
                                                                                                go for the classroom, for the
                                                                                                      teachers  and for  the
                                                                                                                  W h e n
                                                                                                               s c h o o l s
                                                                                                          textbooks, they
                                                                                                  generally use them for
                                                                                            ve to ten years. “With On Demand
                                                                                  printing, we update them every summer,” James
                                                                          said. “If some new information comes up, our students
                                           ILLUSTRATION/MAXXYUSTAS                                CONTINUED ON PAGE 21

                                                                                        THE EDGE  |   BACK TO SCHOOL 2017
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