Page 22 - The Edge - Back to School 2017
P. 22


              BY DON HARRIS

              Educator Touts CTE, Says College Degree

              Not Necessary for Many Quality Careers

              A myth that career                                                                    Arizona currently has 14
            and technical education                                                               Joint Technical Education
            only provides a path to                                                               Districts  (JTEDs)  serving
            low-paying, unskilled                                                                 most of the state except
            jobs needs to be dispelled,                                                           for a few rural areas and
            an official of West-MEC                                                               elementary school districts.
            said in a breakout session                                                            Donovan said he expects a
            at the AASBO Summer                                                                   move at the Legislature next
            Conference and Expo on                                                                year to change the name of
            July 20.                                                                              JTEDs to Career Technical
              Greg Donovan, West-   Greg Donovan   Mark Davenport  Elizabeth Hawkins  Tyler Shupe  Education   Districts
            MEC Superintendent,                                                                   (CTEDs) to better-reflect
            was joined by Mark Davenport,                                                   their role.
            Partner,  SPS Plus Architects;                                                     Shupe    of    McCarthy
            Elizabeth Hawkins, Architect,   “You get to college by the direction you take.   construction said people often
            Senior Associate, DLR Group;     There are a lot of good paying jobs and        think of JTEDs as specializing in
            and Tyler Shupe, Project Director,                                              auto shops and home economics.
            McCarthy Building Companies.  careers that do not require a degree.  But they   “JTEDs today are much more
              West-MEC (Western Maricopa                                                    involved in careers that require
            Education Center) is a public   do require education beyond the 12th grade.     specialized training, Shupe said.
            school district that focuses on   A lot of opportunity is about the economy –   For example, he said today’s CTE
            hands-on learning, leadership                                                   provides training in several highly
            development training and industry   what are the needs of the community? We     specialized careers, including
            certi  cation to help prepare today’s                                           engineering science, respiratory
            students for tomorrow’s careers.   don’t need to be training people for things   therapy, surgical technician, heavy/
              Reciting the o   cial de  nition   that don’t exist. The education system is   industrial equipment maintenance
            for career and technical education,                                             te chnolog ies,    business
            Donovan said: “Career and  about economics – giving people pathways to          management and administrative
            Technical Education (CTE) is                                                    services, aircraft mechanics,
            the part of American high school      careers that are sustainable.”            hospitality management, so  ware
            that provides the link between the   — Greg Donovan, West-MEC Superintendent    development, and computer
            needs of the labor market and the                                               security coding.
            needs of young people, to be fully                                                 “Students don’t just think of
            prepared to move into the workforce and continue their career-  graduating high school, they realize the opportunities available to
            focused education.”                                    high school graduates,” Shupe said. He singled out the prospect of a
              But Donovan added: “We need to break the myth that somehow  teenager learning how to work on an airplane engine or becoming
            you choose to go to higher education OR choose to go to work.  a pharmacy technician.
            Ultimately, we all go to work.”                          Davenport of SPS Plus Architects mentioned other careers that
              To improve its image, CTE is moving away from the term  a CTE program may lead to, such as dental assistant, veterinary
            vocational education. Vocational has “baggage,” he said.  A  science and understanding the   ow of electricity at an APS plant.
            dictionary de  nition of vocational education is any job or career  He told of students watching as certi  ed veterinarians perform a
            not requiring higher education, Donovan said. “All careers today  procedure on a live animal. Other students get hands-on experience
            require continued education, higher education, more education,”  working on airplane frames, he said.
            Donovan said.
                                                                                                  CONTINUED ON PAGE 23

                                                                                        THE EDGE  |   BACK TO SCHOOL 2017
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