Page 26 - The Edge - Back to School 2017
P. 26


                                            BY DON HARRIS
                                            Lobbyists Recommend –

                                            When Speaking to a Legislator,

                                            Keep it Simple and Support Friends
            Meghaen Dell’ Artino  Marcus Dell’Artino

              Two Capitol lobbyists
            provided AASBO members
            with insider tips on how
            to  deal with  lawmakers  –
            even unfriendly ones – and
            possibly win a vote or two.
              Meghaen Dell’ Artino
            of Public Policy Partners
            and her husband Marcus
            Dell’Artino of First Strategic
            conducted a lively breakout
            session  at  the  AASBO
            Summer     Conference,
            suggesting some do’s and
            don’ts when trying to pass or
            defeat a bill.
              Meghaen listed three
            reasons education advocates
            give for how legislators
            receive their message:
                The Legislature just
            doesn’t care to know the
                I’ve explained it over and
            over again and they just don’t                           What makes it more di   cult is that every two years roughly one-
            understand.                                            third of the members of the Legislature are new, Meghaen said. She
                   ey are on a mission to destroy district education.  emphasized the importance of keeping your message concise and
              Virtually everyone in the room agreed with at least one  simple.
            statement.                                               Marcus said discussing education funding formulas with some
              Marcus suggested how to deal with legislators: “What we need  lawmakers is “like hitting them upside head with baseball bat – it’s
            to do is step out of our comfort zone. Talk to these people like they  a lot of information.” And not everything needs to be said in one
            don’t know anything.    e tendency is to have high level discussions  meeting. “Keep the conversation to three clear points,” he said.
            where nobody knows what you’re talking about. Education has a   Establishing a personal connection with a legislator is important.
            lot of acronyms. Education   nance is the most complicated thing.  Meghaen suggested inviting your legislator to your school to read to
            Don’t expect them to know every acronym or how every funding  the kindergarten class. “   ey will post it and tweet about how great
            formula works.”                                        it was,” she said. “You’ve made a connection, a personal connection
              Meghaen said most legislators, policymakers, sta   and people  with your school. You’re not asking for anything. When you do
            in the Governor’s O   ce are not con  dent enough to ask you  need to ask for something, you already have that foundation.”
            questions about what you mean.  “You keep talking and they just   When meeting with a legislator in their o   ce, you may have
            nod,” she said. “You think by nodding they’re getting it.    e more    ve minutes for pleasantries and 15 for your issue. And Marcus
            di   cult you make your message, the easier it is for them to grab  recommended: “Do a little research before you go in. Read their
            onto (someone else’s) sound bite. If you talk with jargon, they don’t  bio. Don’t go in cold to meet for   rst time.”
            understand.    ey don’t know what weighting means.    e biggest
            mistake education makes is speaking over your audience.”
                                                                                                  CONTINUED ON PAGE 27

                                                                                        THE EDGE

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