Page 10 - The Edge - Back to School 2017
P. 10

LIFE IN SPACE                                            As Gi  ord’s condition from the gunshot wound improved, Kelly
                                                                   considered resuming his career as an astronaut. “A space shuttle is
            CONTINUED FROM PAGE 8                                  rather risky,” he said. “People underestimate the risk. A woman on

              Halfway to Tucson aboard a friend’s private plane, Kelly was  a plane asked me – Isn’t driving a car on a highway more dangerous
            watching the day unfold on television.    ree cable news networks  than   ying in a space shuttle? No. Flying a space shuttle is almost as
            announced that Gi  ords was dead. For 30 minutes he continued  dangerous as storming the beach at Normandy.”
            to see a photo of his wife on the screen, with 1970-2011 posted   Kelly described what it was like piloting the space shuttle
            across the bottom.    en the networks announced their error, and  Endeavour on his   nal   ight in May 2011. When the shuttle is fully   COMMITTED TO EXCELLENCE.
            that Gi  ords was alive and in surgery.                loaded with fuel, it’s like a bomb on a hill, Kelly said. “Nobody wants
              “My wife Gabby was not going to be taken out by cable news,”  to be around it,” he said. “   e closest people are   ve miles away.”           Pueblo continually provides energy efficient hvac & controls
            Kelly said.                                              As the countdown continues, there are 2,000 switches that need                           solutions for school districts across the state of arizona.
              Gi  ords survived multiple surgeries, but months later she  to be checked. When the countdown stops brie  y at 9 minutes,
            realized she was still having difficulty speaking. “That was  Kelly said, “I started thinking – this is really a dumb thing to do.”
            frustrating for her,” Kelly said. “Her name is Gabby. I am not a very  At 3 seconds to li  o  , the three main engines start, but the ship
            patient person, but I realized I would have to be patient for the rest  goes nowhere. It’s bolted down.
            of my life. I   y a rocket ship for a job. Do I have patience for this?”  “At zero, the bolts explode and it’s like the hand of God grabs
              Kelly told of a meeting he and his wife had several years before  you,” Kelly said. “On TV it looks like it’s going up smoothly, but
            the Tucson shooting with Stephen Hawking, the noted English  imagine that you’re on a runaway train going 1,000 miles an hour.
            physicist who su  ers from a debilitating ailment, commonly known     ere’s a lot of vibration. You accelerate from zero to 17,500 miles
            as Lou Gehrig’s disease. Kelly said he greeted Hawking, who is  an hour in eight and a half minutes. A little later you’re going 25
            unable to speak, but got no response.                  times the speed of sound.”
              “Gabby watched me screw this up,” Kelly said. “She moved me      e view from space is that Earth is a big round mostly blue ball,
            out of the way, got down on her knees in front of him, and said, ‘Dr.    oating in space, no strings attached, Kelly said.
            Hawking, it’s so nice to see you. How are you doing?’” She waited for   “You have a sunrise or sunset every 45 minutes,” he said. “   e   rst
              ve minutes. Hawking, using a speech synthesizer,   nally replied,  time I saw this – we literally live on an island in our solar system.
            “   ank you so much. I am   ne. How are you?”    at’s when Kelly  Make no mistake, we really have no place else to go. We really need
            learned a lesson in patience.                          to focus on taking care of this planet.    is is the only one we have.”

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                                                                                        THE EDGE  |   BACK TO SCHOOL 2017
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