Page 7 - The Edge - Back to School 2017
P. 7


                            BY DAVID LEWIS

                            Purposeful Meetings Give AASBO Members

                            a Sense of Ownership and ‘Buy-in’

              A hot new trend in the meeting-planning business these days is  into the trenches of a new school year. It truly was an exploration
            something called “Purposeful Meetings,” which refers to a proper  of the Final Frontier!
            alignment of values between the event organizer and the attendees.   And speaking of “Purposeful Meetings,” I would also like to
               e goal of purposeful meetings is the attendees and the association  remind everyone of the upcoming 2017 ASBO International
            sharing a common value or purpose, which creates a sense of   Annual Meeting and Expo, September 22-25 in Denver, Colorado.
            ownership and “buy-in” for your mission.                      Registration is now open. Complimentary Friday
                 is mission then translates into a “Movement”              workshops and seminars kick o   the meeting with extra
            where future action by the membership (in the case               opportunities for professional development, CPE
            of AASBO, across the state) is in alignment with the              credits, and SFO contact hours.    is purposeful
            values and purpose re  ected in that “purposeful                  meeting will  cover such issues as: What’s next in
            meeting.”  Although a bit of a complicated                             American Healthcare Reform, Making School
            description,  I  can’t  help  but  re  ect  on  our                    Finance Fun, Strategic Communications and
            just-completed 64th Annual Conference and                              Today’s Media, and a whole host of timely and
            Exposition and feel that, with the help of so                          information-packed sessions.
            many dedicated volunteers and sta  , we truly                            This will also be the culmination of our
            accomplished the spirit and mission of a                               very own Tom Wohlleber’s campaign for Vice
            purposeful meeting.                                                    President of ASBO International and I would
              From  inspiring  keynote  speakers,                                  encourage all International members to keep an
            outstanding professional                                                 eye out for your o   cial ballot that should have
            development    sessions                                                    arrived via email on August 23.  Now serving
            covering  the gamut  of                                                    as Chief Financial O   cer for Casa Grande
            school business finance                                                  Elementary School District, Tom has served
            and operations issues, to                                                  since 1985 as a school business o   cial in
            the myriad awards and                                                              Wisconsin and Arizona.  Tom
            recognitions that we convey                                                         has a long history of both
            to distinguish the countless                                                        educational and community
            contributions that our                                                              involvement, serving on the
            members provide, I feel our                                                         ASBO International Board
            Annual  Conference  served  to  ignite  the                                         since 2013 and as a lieutenant
            passion that brings all of us to serve public                                       governor of the Optimist
            education in Arizona.                                                               Southern Wisconsin District
              With the messages of                                                              and other youth volunteer
            “Improbable to Unstoppable”                                                    experiences.  Tom’s passionate vision
            by Fredi Lajvardi and                                                    statement centers around promoting the
            “Endeavour to Succeed” by                                                      vital role SBO’s play in helping to
            Captain Mark Kelly, I cannot                                                        create, support and improve
            commend Committee Chair                                                             educational opportunities for
            Ricky Hernandez and his                                                             our students and reducing
            committee members enough                                                            educational inequities that
            for providing an inspiring                                                          hinder student success.
            and motivating experience that is sure                                                So let’s have a strong
            to result in positive attributes and observable                                     Arizona showing for our
            actions within our members as we head back                                          candidate – vote for Tom!!

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