Page 8 - The Edge - Back to School 2017
P. 8


               BY DON HARRIS

               Ex-Astronaut Mark Kelly Tells of His Wife’s

               Near-Fatal Experience and Life in Space

              Former astronaut Mark Kelly mixed humor with the most  airstrip,” he said, noting that he was alone in the plane. “No one is
            devastating of human emotions, recalling the day his wife Gabrielle  crazy enough to go with you.    e ship looks like a postage stamp.”
            Gi  ords su  ered a critical brain injury and what it’s like to get   A  er three touch-and-go attempts, he successfully lowered a
            propelled into space.                                  hook that grabs wires and brings the plane to a halt. “It’s literally
              Kelly, the keynote speaker at AASBO’s Summer Conference and  like being in a crash in a car,” Kelly said. “You go from 150 miles an
            Expo on July 21, related his stunned feelings when cable news   rst  hour to zero in about 150 feet in a couple of seconds.”
            reported, erroneously, that Gi  ords, a member of Congress from   A  erward at a debrie  ng the instructor pilot asked Kelly: “Are
            southern Arizona, had died in a 2011 assassination attempt. Having  you sure this career is for you?”
              own four space missions and even dodged enemy missiles over   But Kelly didn’t give up. He told of his   rst combat mission over
            Iraq in a jet   ghter, Kelly nevertheless has maintained a   ne-tuned  Iraq in 1991, in which his bombardier/navigator was a graduate
            sense of humor.                                        from the University of California at Berkeley. “He was probably the
              He told of growing up in New Jersey, where his father was a  only person from Berkeley to go to a military school,” Kelly said.
            tough  Irish  detective  and  subsequently                                  After entering Iraqi airspace and
            his mother became a police o   cer as well.                               heading for his target,  Kelly’s plane
            His mother overcame multiple obstacles,                                   encountered anti-aircra     re. He told of
            including her size (Kelly said she was                                    Winston Churchill’s comment that there is
            4-feet, 13 inches tall), rigorous physical                                nothing more exciting than being shot at in
            tests, and the fact that few women were on                                combat. “And, missed,” Kelly added. “   e
            the force at that time. Her dedication led                                missed part is kind of important.”
            Kelly to see the bene  t of having a goal,                                  Kelly said the worst feeling he ever had
            planning and hard work. From then on he                                   at that point was to see a missile coming at
            did better in school.                                                     his plane. He piloted away from it in the
              Kelly drove an ambulance in a                                           nick of time. “You know what’s worse than
            tough section of Orange, New Jersey,                                      seeing that   rst missile? Kelly said. “Seeing
            in 1965, and came in contact with a                                       a second one.”
            young man who had been shot seven                                           Again Kelly evaded a killer missile and
            times, including once in the head.    at                                  eventually landed safely on a U.S. aircra
            experience became part of his personal                                    carrier in the Persian Gulf.
            life years later when he   rst learned of  Former astronaut Mark Kelly addresses attendees at   Kelly thought his job was risky, but his
            his wife’s injury.                 AASBO’s Summer Conference and Expo on July 21.   wife barely survived serving her country.
              Recalling Gi  ords’ early life, Kelly said,   He mixed humor, recalled the day his wife Gabrielle      at day is riveted in his memory. It was
            “Gabby was over achiever. She went to a   Giffords suffered a critical brain injury and described   a Saturday, January 8, 2011. Kelly was at
                                               what it’s like to get propelled into space.
            school for the gi  ed. In New Jersey, we                                  his home in Houston, and had spoken
            hated those kids.”                                     with Gi  ords by phone shortly before she was going to a Safeway
              He mentioned that Gi  ords had been a Fulbright scholar, ran a  parking lot in the Tucson metropolitan area for a meet-and-greet
            family business, raced motorcycles for a hobby, was a state senator  with constituents. A bit later his phone rang. It was Gabby’s chief of
            and wanted to serve in Congress.                       sta  , telling him his wife had been shot.
              “She had serious goals,” Kelly said. “I had a lo  y goal myself. I   A  er he hung up, stunned, he wondered, “Did I just get that
            was going to be the   rst person to walk on the planet Mars.”  phone call? I called her back and she gave me the really devastating
              He didn’t get to Mars, but he did soar into space four times.  news. Gabby was shot in the head.”
            “If you think that’s impressive, just think how impressed the aliens      e young man who had been shot in the head in New Jersey
            were when I told them I had visited the planet Earth   ve times.  years earlier came back to him in a   ash. “I realized it would be the
               ey were really impressed.”                          biggest challenge in both of our lives,” Kelly said.
              A year a  er he became a Navy pilot, Kelly had to land a jet   ghter
            on an aircra   carrier for the   rst time. “I could barely land on an                 CONTINUED ON PAGE 10

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